The absolute all-in-one diagnostic tool!
AndroSensor is the absolute all-in-one diagnostic tool that lets you know virtually everything about your device's status.
*** If you come from a version older than 1.9.2 it is required that you uninstall and reinstall the app ***
AndroSensor supports all the sensors an android device can have and it will tell you which of them are not supported by your hardware.
View in a single screen the data from all device's sensors in real time. Graphical and text output available for each sensor (graphical output not available for proximity, location and battery info)
- location, location provider, accuracy, altitude and speed
- Google maps to show the above info. Tapping on your location shows your address, postal code and location accuracy (if available)
- accelerometer readings,
- gyroscope readings,
- light sensor value,
- ambient magnetic field values,
- device orientation
- proximity sensor readings
- pressure sensor (barometer)
- temperature readings
- battery status, voltage, temperature and health
- sound level meter (decibel)
- If your device supports it, next to the sensor's name, you will see how much power the sensor consumes per hour in mA.
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